What are next steps for A WOC Space?

We are currently developing our virtual WOCShops with plans to premier in August. Another priority is to continue providing A Virtual WOCSpace to support our community.

How will this current trend of virtual communication due to the pandemic affect/change diversity and inclusion?

Workplaces have been struggling with inclusion prior to the pandemic, and unfortunately it is only going to get worse. A WOC Space is here to advocate, protect, and support WOC, so we are not left behind.

Any guidance on how to include time to reflect on existential events that we are grappling with? I don’t know what the rest of my students’ lives are like, but I know professors sometimes should step up to kind of be a parent or friend, facilitator, etc. Looking for what you think would make things better.

Have allocated open time built into the schedule before every meeting, this makes people feel free to share. We also encourage them to build a network outside of the lab, such as A WOC Space events and our virtual community.

You are goals starting a WOC-led organization! What gave you the courage to take the leap and get it started?

There have been times when each of us have questioned our roles and place in STEM purely because of the negative interactions that we have experienced. The constant lack of the appropriate leaders and their responses to deal with implicit and explicit biases in the workplace is disappointing and unacceptable. We decided, enough was enough, and created A WOC Space!

What are the fees for the WOCShops?

We offer a diverse portfolio of WOCShops that we tailor to your business or institution. Our fees are based on your organization type and needs. Please contact us for a free consultation!

Are there hors d'oeuvres?

Of course, we always love fueling the brain with words of wisdom.

Just curious, does A WOC Space, LLC have  plans to partner with other minority groups, for example SistasInSTEM and Cientifico Latino?

Of course! Partnerships make the world go round. We have weekly meetings on Tuesday’s to discuss our plans and partnerships. Please contact us and schedule some time to collaborate!

Are the WOCShops tailored for specific workplaces like academia or are they general?

We can work with you and your organization to tailor WOCShops that meet your needs stemming from our baseline WOCShops found on our website. Our mission is to provide allies and people of color accessible tools to create and maintain an equitable, productive and inclusive workforce.

Do you envision this branching off and being available for younger women/girls? A safe space for high school/middle school girls.

A WOC Space is open to everyone! Our co-founders are already mentoring high school and middle school young women with the hopes that when they enter the workplace they will already have A WOC Space.

Can there be A WOC Space dance party some weekends?

Check our schedule for new events!

What can we do to support A WOC Space, LLC?

Help us, help you. If your organization is struggling with DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), please contact us . Follow us on social media or visit us during A Virtual WOCSpace event. Spread the word, and let us know how we can improve. We are here to strengthen our community by your feedback. Also be sure to read, comment, and share our blogs weekly!

We want your feedback.
